“The medium I use to create art has at its core salvaging and repurposing objects. Growing up in Romania, as a child I watched my parents and other adults fixing things around the house all the time. Objects had value, they were cared for and creatively reinvented until they fell apart - and even then, they might have become something decorative, or compost, or fuel. The recycling happened in people’s homes and barely anything made it into the trash bin.
During my stay at Villa SF I will be reflecting on the core values and the source of my art practice. Creating something new out of something old is a process of renewal as well as of honoring the value that the material world brings to our lives. Objects we use or place in our living spaces are part of our personal narratives. Whether we chose them or they were given to us, whether we interact with them often or only look at them occasionally, they are all threads in the weaving of our story. In my art, I use wood taken from discarded furniture or building materials, cutting them into thin pieces and interlocking them inside what can be regarded as flat sculptures. Each strip of wood has its own voice, origin and age. As I alternate the materials within the space of my canvas, the composition joins all bits and pieces of individual history into one new dialog.Alexandra Cicorschi is a woodworker artist. By creating something new out of something old, Cicorschi intends to bridge that gap and to bring forward the value of objects and their potential to transform, which the consumerist culture has all erased.”
Stay tuned !