Concours de Poésie 2025
to Jun 13

Concours de Poésie 2025

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

La French American Cultural Society lance la 3e édition de son Concours de Poésie, ouvert aux francophones de tous horizons.

🖋️ Ouvert à tous les styles : haïku, vers libre, poésie classique…

🌎 Participants : élèves et écoles francophones des USA, Canada, Madagascar, Île Maurice, Outre-Mer français… et cette année, une attention particulière est portée à l’Amérique latine.

🆕 Nouveauté 2025 : création d’une catégorie adulte, ouverte à tous les âges.

🎯 Thème optionnel : L’Hermione et La Fayette, en hommage à ce symbole d’histoire et de liberté.

📅 Date limite de soumission : 13 juin 2025
💬 Langue : tous les textes doivent être accompagnés d’une traduction en français.

📥 Soumissions via notre site ou les QR codes présents sur nos supports.

✨ Le jury et la date de la remise des prix seront annoncés prochainement.
💛 Une option de donation est disponible pour soutenir le projet.

À vos plumes !

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Movie - Niki
7:30 PM19:30

Movie - Niki

SYNOPSIS - French version with English subtitles.

Paris, 1952. Niki has moved to France with her husband and daughter, seeking to escape the constraints of American society and her suffocating family. However, despite the distance, she is repeatedly overwhelmed by haunting memories of her childhood. As she confronts the trauma of her past, Niki discovers that art is more than an expression—it becomes her means of survival and ultimate liberation.

Watch the trailer.

Niki is an exclusive screening as part of the French American Cultural Day, organized by FACS. Thanks to our partner French Première.

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French American Cultural Days
10:00 AM10:00

French American Cultural Days

  • Lycee français de San Francisco (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

March 15, 2025

Lycee Francais de San Francisco

1201 Ortega Street San Francisco, CA 94122

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer un événement unique qui célèbre le lien entre le monde francophone et les États-Unis. Une célébration exceptionnelle de la Francophonie et des arts, mêlant créativité, culture et innovation. Cette journée promet une expérience inoubliable pour les amateurs d'art, les familles et les francophiles de tous âges.


We're excited to announce a unique event celebrating the bridge between the Francophone world and the USA. A one-of-a-kind celebration of Francophonie and the arts, blending creativity, culture, and innovation. This all-day event promises an unforgettable experience for art lovers, families, and Francophiles of all ages.

Event Details: 

🎟️ Tickets: $10 (Free for children under 13)  

  $20 for the exclusive movie screening: NIKI from Céline Sallette with Charlotte Le Bon (limited seating)  

Program of the Performances: 

10:00 – Welcome with Florence Buatois and Florian Cardinaux

10:15 – Performance by SF Ballet with Pascal Molat

11:05 - Live Virtual Tour with the International City of Villers-Cotterêts

12:00 – Poetry Readings by the 2025 Laureates, with Thomas Célérier

12:15 – Lunch Break + Public Booth Visits

1:30 – Children’s Show: Fred Leblanc’s “Même pas peur!”

2:30 – Talk by Maxime Genauzeau on Architecture and Interior Design

3:40 – San Francisco Girls Chorus Girls Concert with Monica Baruch

4:30 – Milène Guermont: Total art, design, and monumental sensory works

5:20 – Fashion Show by Academy of Art University

6:00 – Sébastien Pridmore: Live Painting Performance

6:35 – Solenn Thircuir & Armand Ledanois: Electro Music

7:15 - French Theater: with La compagnie la D-Boussole


7:30 - Film Screening: NIKI - A French biopic on Niki de Saint Phalle.

A kaleidoscope of arts

The French American Cultural Days is an immersive event blending all the arts—including music, cinema, literature, visual arts, dance, and more— through engaging performances, exhibits, and workshops.

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The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Celebrations and festivities at Versailles Palace, December 7, 2024
9:00 AM09:00

The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Celebrations and festivities at Versailles Palace, December 7, 2024

Véronique Vassout,  as the Cultural Adviser at Alliance Française Silicon Valley and board member of FACS, is thrilled to share exciting news with you. 

The Alliance Française Silicon Valley, with the esteemed patronage of the Consulate of France in San Francisco, is thrilled to present the World's First US Virtual Live Guided Tour Series of the Prestigious Palace of Versailles, starting January 20, 2024, at the Palo Alto Art Center.

AF Silicon Valley brings the opulence of Versailles Palace to the Bay Area. 

The Versailles Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be explored 

The event consists of three unique live guided visits to the world-famous Versailles Palace in English, held at the Palo Alto Art Center in Silicon Valley. The dates are as follows: 

Celebrations and Festivities at Versailles Palace – December 7, 2024 (venue to be announced)

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2024 French Cinema Days - L'amour Ouf
7:00 PM19:00

2024 French Cinema Days - L'amour Ouf

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



🇺🇸 The 80s, in the north of France.

Jackie and Clotaire grow up between the high school benches and the harbor docks. She studies, and he hangs out. Then their destinies crossed and they fell madly in love. Life tries to keep them apart, but nothing can, these two are like the two ventricles of the same heart...

🇫🇷 Les années 80, dans le nord de la France.

Jackie et Clotaire grandissent entre les bancs du lycée et les docks du port. Elle étudie, il traine. Et puis leurs destins se croisent et c'est l'amour fou. La vie s'efforcera de les séparer mais rien n'y fait, ces deux-là sont comme les deux ventricules du même cœur...

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2024 French Cinema Days - LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO.
3:00 PM15:00

2024 French Cinema Days - LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO.

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



🇺🇸 Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d'If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich behind his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the men who betrayed him.

🇫🇷 Edmond Dantès devient la cible d'un sinistre complot et est arrêté le jour de son mariage pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis. Après 14 ans passés dans la prison insulaire de Château d'If, il réussit une évasion audacieuse. Riche de ses rêves, il prend l'identité du comte de Monte-Cristo et se venge des hommes qui l'ont trahi.

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2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!
7:00 PM19:00

2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



🇺🇸 The 80s, in the north of France.

Jackie and Clotaire grow up between the high school benches and the harbor docks. She studies, and he hangs out. Then their destinies crossed and they fell madly in love. Life tries to keep them apart, but nothing can, these two are like the two ventricles of the same heart...

🇫🇷 Les années 80, dans le nord de la France.

Jackie et Clotaire grandissent entre les bancs du lycée et les docks du port. Elle étudie, il traine. Et puis leurs destins se croisent et c'est l'amour fou. La vie s'efforcera de les séparer mais rien n'y fait, ces deux-là sont comme les deux ventricules du même cœur...

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2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!
4:00 PM16:00

2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



🇺🇸 Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d'If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich behind his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the men who betrayed him.

🇫🇷 Edmond Dantès devient la cible d'un sinistre complot et est arrêté le jour de son mariage pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis. Après 14 ans passés dans la prison insulaire de Château d'If, il réussit une évasion audacieuse. Riche de ses rêves, il prend l'identité du comte de Monte-Cristo et se venge des hommes qui l'ont trahi.

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2024 French Cinema Days - Nov 1 to 3
6:30 PM18:30

2024 French Cinema Days - Nov 1 to 3



Join us on Saturday, November 2, 2024
For the 2nd edition of the San Francisco French Cinema Days (Nov 1 to 3) featuring a special screening of "Little Girl Blue." This event will have the honor of welcoming both Marion Cotillard and director Mona Achache.

🎥 Synopsis: After her mother's death, Mona Achache unearths thousands of photos, letters, and recordings. These buried secrets challenge the mystery of her mother's disappearance. Through the transformative power of cinema, Mona brings her mother back to life to reenact her story and seek understanding.

👥 Q&A Session: Don't miss the opportunity to engage with Marion Cotillard and Mona Achache as they discuss this poignant project following the screening.

#SaveTheDate #LittleGirlBlue #SanFranciscoFrenchCinemaDays #MonaAchache #MarionCotillard #FrenchCinema #Cannes #CinémaFrançais

A VOS AGENDAS 🗓️ : Marion Cotillard à San Francisco

Rejoignez-nous le samedi 2 novembre 2024

Pour la 2e édition des SF French Cinema Days (du 1er au 3 novembre) avec une projection spéciale de "Little Girl Blue". Cet événement aura l'honneur d'accueillir Marion Cotillard et la réalisatrice Mona Achache.

🎥 Synopsis : Après le décès de sa mère, Mona Achache découvre des milliers de photos, lettres et enregistrements. Ces secrets enfouis résistent au mystère de sa disparition. Grâce au pouvoir transformateur du cinéma, Mona décide de ressusciter sa mère pour reconstituer sa vie et chercher à la comprendre.

👥 Session de Questions/Réponses : Ne manquez pas l'opportunité de dialoguer avec Marion Cotillard et Mona Achache alors qu'elles discutent de ce projet émouvant après la projection.

📍 Lieu : San Francisco (détails à venir).

2 seances: 16h et 19h

Restez à l'écoute pour plus de mises à jour !

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2024 French Cinema Days - Nov 1 to 3
4:00 PM16:00

2024 French Cinema Days - Nov 1 to 3

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



US Première of « Marcello Mio », directed by Christophe Honoré, starring Catherine Deneuve, Chiara Mastroianni, Benjamin Biolay, Fabrice Lucchini, Melvil Poupaud , Nicole Garcia. A Cannes Film Festival 2024 Selection.

🇺🇸 It’s the story of a woman named Chiara. She is an actress, the daughter of Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve, and one summer, shaken by her own life, she tells herself that she should rather live her father’s life. She starts dressing like him, speaking like him, breathing like him, and she does it with such conviction that those around her end up believing it and begin calling her « Marcello. »

🇫🇷 C’est l’histoire d’une femme qui s’appelle Chiara. Elle est actrice, elle est la fille de Marcello Mastroianni et Catherine Deneuve et le temps d’un été, chahutée dans sa propre vie, elle se raconte qu’elle devrait plutôt vivre la vie de son père. Elle s’habille désormais comme lui, parle comme lui, respire comme lui et elle le fait avec une telle force qu’autour d’elle, les autres finissent par y croire et se mettent à l’appeler « Marcello »

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Concours de Poésie - Cérémonie en Ligne
11:30 AM11:30

Concours de Poésie - Cérémonie en Ligne

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Au programme : conversation avec notre marraine, Marianne Aventurier, lectures de poèmes par les lauréats et participants et annonce des prix.

Retour sur la cérémonie :
Si vous avez manqué cet événement mémorable, nous vous invitons à le revivre en vidéo, ICI

Mot de passe: 5a%7Ebu+

Nous remercions une fois de plus tous les participants et partenaires pour leur engagement envers la poésie.

Salutations poétiques !

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2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!
7:00 PM19:00

2024 French Cinema Days Nov. 1 to 3 - 3 days, 5 movies!

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Grand Opening Friday, November 1st: « Emilia Perez» directed by Jacques Audiard, starring Zoé Saldaña, Karla Sofía Gascón, and Selena Gomez.

Cannes Film Festival 2024:

- Jury Prize

- Best Actress Award for the four actresses starring in the film

🇺🇸 Overqualified and undervalued, Rita is a lawyer at a large firm that is more interested in getting criminals off the hook than bringing them to justice.

One day, she is given an unexpected way out, when cartel leader Manitas hires her to help him withdraw from his business and realize a plan he has been secretly preparing for years: to become the woman he has always dreamt of being.

🇫🇷 Surqualifiée et surexploitée, Rita use de ses talents d’avocate au service d’un gros cabinet plus enclin à blanchir des criminels qu’à servir la justice. Mais une porte de sortie inespérée s’ouvre à elle, aider le chef de cartel Manitas à se retirer des affaires et réaliser le plan qu’il peaufine en secret depuis des années : devenir enfin la femme qu’il a toujours rêvé d’être.

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Concours de Poésie 2024 - Cérémonie en Ligne
3:30 PM15:30

Concours de Poésie 2024 - Cérémonie en Ligne

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Au programme : conversation avec notre marraine, Marianne Aventurier, lectures de poèmes par les lauréats et participants et annonce des prix.

Retour sur la cérémonie :
Si vous avez manqué cet événement mémorable, nous vous invitons à le revivre en vidéo, ICI
Mot de passe
: =?d4&qiA

Nous remercions une fois de plus tous les participants et partenaires pour leur engagement envers la poésie.

Salutations poétiques !

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The Hermione "Lafayette's Frigate of Freedom"
9:00 AM09:00

The Hermione "Lafayette's Frigate of Freedom"

Join us for a meaningful morning dedicated to the Hermione, an emblematic symbol of French maritime history and Franco-American friendship. This fundraising event, featuring expert-led conferences and networking opportunities, aims to support Hermione's crucial reconstruction efforts.

Video of the event

Learn from Experts: Dive into Hermione's storied past and its impact on French and American history through engaging talks.

Network: Connect with fellow history enthusiasts, maritime scholars, and philanthropists.

Support a Cause: All proceeds will go towards Hermione’s repair, ensuring it continues to sail as a living link to our shared history.

Donate here:

About the Hermione:

Constructed in record time in 1779, the Hermione is renowned for its pivotal role in the American War of Independence. The reconstruction of this historic frigate, completed after 17 years of dedication, symbolizes the resilience and craftsmanship of past and present generations. Today, the Hermione seeks your support to navigate through its latest challenge - significant repair work necessitated by damage to its hull.

Secure your spot today and be part of a collective effort to preserve a piece of living history.

We look forward to your support in making this event a success and taking a step forward in preserving our shared maritime heritage.

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The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Visit of the Marie-Antoinette's Inn Chambers, May 5, 2024
9:00 AM09:00

The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Visit of the Marie-Antoinette's Inn Chambers, May 5, 2024

Véronique Vassout,  as the Cultural Adviser at Alliance Française Silicon Valley and board member of FACS, is thrilled to share exciting news with you. 

The Alliance Française Silicon Valley, with the esteemed patronage of the Consulate of France in San Francisco, is thrilled to present the World's First US Virtual Live Guided Tour Series of the Prestigious Palace of Versailles, starting January 20, 2024, at the Palo Alto Art Center.

AF Silicon Valley brings the opulence of Versailles Palace to the Bay Area. 

The Versailles Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be explored 

The event consists of three unique live guided visits to the world-famous Versailles Palace in English, held at the Palo Alto Art Center in Silicon Valley. The dates are as follows: 

Visit of the Marie-Antoinette's Inn Chambers - May 5, 2024   

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Tech in Culture
5:30 PM17:30

Tech in Culture

It was an exciting evening exploring the intersection of technology and culture!

Thursday, April 30th, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM PST

SVB Experience Center, 532 Market St., San Francisco

Prepare to be inspired as we delve into Tech in Culture. This co-organized event with French Tech SF, EDHEC GETT Master's Students, and FACS explored how technology is revolutionizing the cultural landscape through captivating talks on:

  • AI-enabled art and its transformative potential.

  • Immersive experiences that are pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Our amazing panel of speakers, representing diverse backgrounds, will offer insightful perspectives on this dynamic and evolving space.

The evening was followed by a lively Q&A session and a delicious cocktail reception, providing an opportunity to engage with fellow attendees and delve deeper into the discussions.

It was a night when the worlds of tech and creativity collided in a spectacular fusion of art and technology.

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Les Troubadours, Silicon Valley International School
9:00 AM09:00

Les Troubadours, Silicon Valley International School

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

LES TROUBADOURS est un festival de littérature jeunesse francophone ambulant organisé par Sjj agency. Le 18 mars, à l’école bilingue de Berkeley et le 19 mars à la Silicon Valley International School. Ces écoles recevront cette 4ème édition américaine après New-York, Seattle et Chicago.

Ce festival est une occasion unique de découvrir la richesse et la diversité de la littérature jeunesse francophone, à travers des rencontres, des ateliers, des spectacles, des lectures et des dédicaces avec trois artistes talentueux : Edouard Manceau, le parrain 2024 du festival, Philippe Lechermeier et Clotilde Perrin.

Si vous aimez les livres, les mots, les images et les émotions, ne manquez pas ce festival qui vous fera voyager dans l’univers magique de la littérature jeunesse francophone.

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Les Troubadours, Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
9:00 AM09:00

Les Troubadours, Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

LES TROUBADOURS est un festival de littérature jeunesse francophone ambulant organisé par Sjj agency. Le 18 mars, à l’école bilingue de Berkeley et le 19 mars à la Silicon Valley International School. Ces écoles recevront cette 4ème édition américaine après New-York, Seattle et Chicago.

Ce festival est une occasion unique de découvrir la richesse et la diversité de la littérature jeunesse francophone, à travers des rencontres, des ateliers, des spectacles, des lectures et des dédicaces avec trois artistes talentueux : Edouard Manceau, le parrain 2024 du festival, Philippe Lechermeier et Clotilde Perrin.

Si vous aimez les livres, les mots, les images et les émotions, ne manquez pas ce festival qui vous fera voyager dans l’univers magique de la littérature jeunesse francophone.

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The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Visit of the King's Apartment - January 20, 2024
9:00 AM09:00

The Versailles Palace: Live morning in a French museum - Visit of the King's Apartment - January 20, 2024

Véronique Vassout,  as the Cultural Adviser at Alliance Française Silicon Valley and Board Member of FACS, is thrilled to share exciting news with you. 

The Alliance Française Silicon Valley, with the esteemed patronage of the Consulate of France in San Francisco, is thrilled to present the World's First US Virtual Live Guided Tour Series of the Prestigious Palace of Versailles, starting January 20, 2024, at the Palo Alto Art Center.

AF Silicon Valley brings the opulence of Versailles Palace to the Bay Area. 

The Versailles Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be explored 

The event consists of three unique live guided visits to the world-famous Versailles Palace in English, held at the Palo Alto Art Center in Silicon Valley. The dates are as follows: 

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Les visiteurs à San Francisco
6:30 PM18:30

Les visiteurs à San Francisco

  • French American Cultural Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday December 8, The film with 13.8 million viewers: LES VISITEURS at the Lycée Francais. Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film with Jacquouille la Fripouille, Frédégonde de Pouille and Godefroy de Montmirail.

In the year of Our Lord 1123, Count Godefroy de Montmirail and his faithful squire Jacquouille la Fripouille find themselves propelled into the year 1992 after drinking a magic potion made by the enchanter Eusaebius, which is supposed to enable them to break a terrible spell.

Evening with Photobooth / Tombola / Make-up stand / Buffet offered.

Film in 🇫🇷 with subtitles 🇺🇸.

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SF Cinema French Days: The Three Musketeers - D'Artagnan
7:00 PM19:00

SF Cinema French Days: The Three Musketeers - D'Artagnan

D'Artagnan, a spirited young Gascon, is left for dead after trying to save a young woman from being kidnapped. When he arrives in Paris, he tries by all means to find his attackers. He is unaware that his quest will lead him to the heart of a real war where the future of France is at stake. Allied with Athos, Porthos and Aramis, three musketeers of the King with a dangerous temerity, D'Artagnan faces the dark machinations of the Cardinal of Richelieu. But it is when he falls madly in love with Constance Bonacieux, the Queen's confidante, that d'Artagnan truly puts himself in danger. For it is this passion that leads him into the wake of the one who becomes his mortal enemy: Milady de Winter.

Get your ticket!

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SF French Cinema Days: Tirailleurs
4:00 PM16:00

SF French Cinema Days: Tirailleurs

1917. Bakary Diallo enlists in the French army to be near Thierno, his 17-year-old son, forced to serve. Sent to the front, father and son must brave the war together. Animated by the ardor of his Captain who wants to lead him into the heart of the battle, Thierno must emancipate himself and become a man. Meanwhile Bakary does whatever it takes to spare his son from fighting, and to bring him home safe and sound.

Get your ticket!

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SF French Cinema Days: Opening Night with Actress E. Zylberstein
6:00 PM18:00

SF French Cinema Days: Opening Night with Actress E. Zylberstein

The San Francisco French Cinema Days Opening Night will spotlight the film "SIMONE, WOMAN OF THE CENTURY", starring Elsa Zylberstein. Not only will you have the chance to witness this important movie, but you can also engage in a Q&A session with the lead actress herself, Elsa Zylberstein. It's a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the specificity of French cinema and gain insights from one of its brightest stars.

The biopic about Simone Veil, one of the prominent women in France in the 20th Century.
Simone Veil’s life story, from her childhood to her major political battles, seen through the pivotal events of the twentieth century. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era: her humanist message is still keenly relevant today.

Get your ticket!

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SF French Cinema Days: 3 days, 5 movies, 4 US Premieres
to Nov 5

SF French Cinema Days: 3 days, 5 movies, 4 US Premieres

  • San Francisco United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join FACS, French Talent USA, and Merci SF for a fabulous celebration of French cinema at the Vogue Theater and Balboa Theater!

✨Opening Night with ELSA ZYLBERSTEIN & the film SIMONE ✨

✨Friday November 3rd, 2023: SIMONE
(starring Elsa Zylberstein) [
Opening Night with Elsa Zylberstein attending] / Vogue Theater

▪️Saturday November 4th at 4pm : TIRAILLEURS
(starring Omar Sy) [première] / Balboa Theater

▪️Saturday November 4th at 7pm: THE THREE MUSKETEERS - part 1 -
(starring Eva Green, Vincent Cassel, François Civil, Romain Duris, Pio Marmai) [première] / Balboa Theater

▪️Sunday November 5th at 4pm: THE BOOK OF SOLUTIONS
(starring Pierre Niney, Blanche Gardin) [première] / Balboa Theater

▪️Sunday November 5th at 7pm: TONI EN FAMILLE
(starring Camille Cottin) [première] / Balboa Theater

Get your tickets now!

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TINT Gallery: 2-Year Anniversary Celebration and Fall Exhibition!
6:00 PM18:00

TINT Gallery: 2-Year Anniversary Celebration and Fall Exhibition!


Sculptor Marie Barthès, based in Paris, France, and painter Magaly Sánchez, from Lima, Peru, express the dualities they find in nature through their respective media. Order and disorder, softness and roughness, the manmade and the natural. All stems from the smallest cells. Starting from the same themes and observations, Barthès’ and Sánchez’s works diverge from there, ultimately expressing their individual natures as artists, in TINT’s fall exhibition “Dual Natures.”

Exhibition on view October 12 - December 17, 2023

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Première of French Academy Awarded movie: The Night of the 12th
7:30 PM19:30

Première of French Academy Awarded movie: The Night of the 12th

Get the shivers!

Join us at the Vogue Theater for the Premiere of the French movie La Nuit du 12 / The Night of the 12th, winner of 7 César Awards incl. Best Film and Best Director.

Based on a true crime book by Pauline Guéna, The Night of the 12th is a gritty mystery that's "both highly effective and brilliantly acted, where procedures and mindsets reveal a frayed society" (Cineuropa), posing uneasy questions about the male-dominated world of law enforcement, and their ability to handle the violent crimes routinely perpetrated against women victims.

Get your tickets now!

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Preview at the Pamela Walsh Gallery: Anna Sidana Solo Show
3:00 PM15:00

Preview at the Pamela Walsh Gallery: Anna Sidana Solo Show

Visual artist Anna Sidana uses large-scale canvas to brush the emotional reminiscences of her family histories and hazy childhood memories.

This summer, the Pamela Walsh Gallery in Palo Alto invites the artist for a solo show presenting her vibrant body of work .

Come and join us for the exhibition reception and get a chance to hear Anna Sidana talking about her work as an oil painter.

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Oldie but goodie! French Cinema Rendez-Vous _ La Chèvre
7:00 PM19:00

Oldie but goodie! French Cinema Rendez-Vous _ La Chèvre

  • Théâtre du Lycée Français de San Francisco (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

La Chèvre / The Goat


France 1985- 1h30, Comedy, Adventure, Director Francis Veber, Starring Gérard Depardieu and Pierre Richard

When the accident-prone daughter of a French businessman disappears in Mexico and the detective sent down to find her returns empty-handed, the businessman's company psychologist comes up with an unusual plan - send someone equally accident-prone to find her. Despite detective Campana's objections and disbelief in bad luck, he and Francois Perrin, the accident-prone man in question, are teamed up and head back down to Mexico to pick up the girl's trail. 

Watch the trailer and get your tickets!

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