Sponsor a project, such as the Villa San Francisco, Curatorial Grant, AfterTomorrow, or Night of Ideas!
Or give monthly and make a recurring gift of $10 or more per month. After your first installment, we'll charge your credit card on the 15th of every month until you ask us to stop.
Best of all, when you make a recurring monthly gift at any level you'll receive benefits equal to 12 months of giving all season long. From literary panel discussions, philosophical debates with international thought leaders, to exhibitions and visits to artist studios, museum tours, and music, enjoy exclusive benefits while supporting our immersive cultural programs, exciting productions and free community events
Gift Options:
Give by Mail or Phone
Please make your check out to French American Cultural Society and mail to:
French American Cultural Society
Development Department
88 Kearny Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108
Call (415) 591-4802 to make your contribution by phone. For questions about membership levels, benefits or events, please write to contact@facs-sf.org or call (415) 591-4802.