Due to the COVID-19 situation, FACS is temporarily suspending all events following Californian laws and to avoid spreading the virus. We would like to express our genuine support to our partners, the artistic community, and everyone affected by the crisis. We are actively working for our community and staff to be as safe as possible.
Since the beginning of the crisis, many foundations gathered to provide some support to artistic and cultural communities throughout the US. You can find some of them below.
Americans for the Arts
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
Coronavirus Resources
State Arts Agencies & Regional Arts Organizations Contacts
For Freelance Artists
COVID-19 & Freelance Artists
Alliance of Artists Communities
Blog post on COVID-19 Preparedness for Residencies
Alternate ROOTS
COVID-19 Resource Page
American Alliance of Museums
Information for the Museum Field
Art House Convergence
AHC list of resources for art house cinemas and theaters
Arts Education Partnership
COVID-19 Resources
Information During the Impact of the Coronavirus
Association of Art Museum Directors
Museums and COVID-19
Association of Performing Arts Professionals
Emergency Reposnse Page
Chorus America
Blog Post
On June Conference & Other Registrations
Common Field
COVID-19 Resources for the Artist Organization Field
COVID-19 Response Resources
Resources for Preparing for the Potential Impact of the Coronavirus
Coronavirus and Your Insurance Program”
Grantmakers in the Arts
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Arts Funding
League of American Orchestras
Coroavirus resource page
Lifetime Arts
Supporting Creative Aging Programming during COVID-19 Crisis
National Alliance for Musical Theatre
COVID-19 Resources
National Association for Music Education
NAfME COVID-19 Resources & News
OPERA America
COVID-19 Resource Hub
State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education
Arts Instructional Resources
TYA Response to COVID-19
Emergency Funds - All Art Forms